Bear Face Mask Tutorial | Cricut

Halloween is a time of creative freedom but this year is a little well very different. Same may say it is making this time grim,  however, I challenge you to try to see a different perspective. For instance, wearing a face mask can add to your costume rather than hinder it. In past years you’d paint your face, this year all you need to do is decorate a mask saving time and well the itchiness from paint on your face. On another note for obvious reasons most workplaces prohibit employees from coming to work with a painted face or full covered mask. A face mask opens up the possibilities for me this year which is why I decided to create this d.i.y. specifically. Not going to work?  Well wear it out for errands or around the house to spark a little joy to those around you and yourself. Below is the full tutorial for part one of the bear costume tutorial, the mask along with written instructions.

Bear Face Mask Tutorial Video


  1. Black Face Mask
  2. Black Glitter Iron on
  3. White Glitter Iron on
  4. Cricut Machine
  5. Mini Easy Press


  1. Press all the pleats straight on the face mask. It will not lay flat if you have a fitted mask similar to the one I used. 
  2. Draw out the bears nose and smile on paper, scan it onto your computer and upload it into design space.
  3. In design space create an oval to go under the nose and smile layer.
  4. Measure your face mask to make sure the proportions will fit on your mask.
  5. Place your glitter iron on down (shiny side down) and cut out both pieces.
  6. Press the white glitter iron oval onto the mask. (Peel cold)
  7. Press the nose and smile on top of the white oval. (Peel cold)
  8. Enjoy (:

On Wednesday we will be creating bear ear hair clips to complete the look so mark your calendars.

Are you dressing up this year?

Let me know down below (:

XOXO Faith

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